Life Lessons 2020

Nusaira Hassan
3 min readDec 23, 2020

While browsing through Medium today, I came across articles that look back onto the monstrosity of a year that was 2020. Facebook is brimming with the trending post of 2020 achievements. For me, on a personal level, 2020 has been a year of many firsts. I started on my first full-time job. While I did have part-time jobs and earned on the side previously, this has been the first time I actually spent hours slaving away in front of the screen trying to earn my way in this world. But the year has been full of revelations.

Me surviving 2020 (colourized)

2020 has been mostly black-and-white. A never-ending tunnel of melancholy, echoing with the ghosts of my past mistakes. Mistakers that would go onto define me and my very existence. So, here is me painting a not-so-pretty picture of my takeaways from this virus-infested year.

  1. Money is more important than you think. It really is the petrol of life. And while it cannot motivate you intrinsically, it can be the hygiene factor that makes all the difference between putting in those extra hours at work.
  2. Teaching can open up your mind in ways you didn’t think was possible. Take a chance to inspire someone today who looks up to you and trusts you.
  3. You can always learn new skills: Adapt, Improvise & Overcome.
  4. Learn to curb your anger. Even when you would rather slap someone in the face with a wooden chair.
  5. Ranting is therapeutic. But be mindful of your audience and what agenda they might have.
  6. There will always be a lot of bad around you. Absorb the lessons from the toxicity. Avoid the toxic fumes.
  7. Be grateful to the people who got you where you are today.
  8. No one got an easy pass. Everyone worked hard to get where he or she did. Stop resenting the success that has eluded you because you deluded yourself into believing you deserved what you didn’t get.
  9. You have been adulting for a while now. It’s fine. You are alive. This too shall pass.
  10. Sure, you have made a hoard of mistakes. But they are the little twists that define who you are.
  11. Don’t cry over lost friendships. Rejoice the new ones.
  12. After a certain point, you really need to learn to appreciate your parents. They did the best they could. They can’t help being who they are. Just like you can’t change being born to them.
  13. Comparing yourself to another person is a loser’s game.
  14. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You tried your best.
  15. Dreams are perfect. You don’t want the stupor to end.
  16. Life is too short to be embarrassed by your own shortcomings.
  17. Life is a combination of everything.
  18. Friendship has a life of its own. Some friendships die earlier than others.
  19. Running or walking fast in the park will not let you run away from life.
  20. Monday Blues is real. Everyone goes through it.
  21. It's okay to not see the finish line.
  22. There is nothing like financial freedom.
  23. Nothing will make you happier than the simplest things in life.
  24. Age is just a number. And you are not going anywhere. Stick with yourself. Stick to your guts and live it out.

